Are you ready for buyers to notice you for all the right reasons and take action because they feel empowered to do so?

I’m handing you the roadmap towards your next $100k.

If you want to increase your sales and profit, then improving the effectiveness of your messaging by making your content inclusive and accessible should be your first priority. 

Flip what you know about using content to attract your ideal buyers on its head, and get your ass inside 6-Figure Messaging© where you'll learn how to turn your profile into a profit funnel using inclusive and accessible content - shortening the gap between the "know" and the "trust" of their buying process.

6-Figure Messaging©️ is not only about creating content that includes people who are historically excluded. It's about pushing your definitions of how you view inclusivity and accessibility, because that's what's required of us right now.

6-Figure Messaging©️ will help you to: 

🔥Craft content that actually sells and reaches a previously untapped audience

🔥Finally stop using ick bro-marketing and unethical hacks that are costing you sales

🔥Create a profit funnel while staying true to you in the most legal and ethical ways 

🔥Solidify your community of repeat buyers and raving fans 

It’s time to focus on making your marketing feel safe, uplifting and empowered for your buyers using inclusive and accessible content and messaging. 

Join anytime for instant access

One time payment of $47

Why implement inclusive messaging?

What if you could move your audience to buy sooner while empowering them to feel really fucking good when they do make a purchase from you? 

Inclusive messaging helps you do this.

Why implement accessibility in your contnet?

What if you started implementing accessibility into your content so you could reach historically excluded people, expanding your ready to buy audience to people you’ve never touched before?

This is the power of accessible content.

Why create inclusive content?

What if you could center your content on your buyer instead of yourself and turn your IG profile into a funnel for profit, without using any unethical hacks, deception or manipulation?

Yep, you guessed it, this is what happens when you create inclusive content.

Photo of Business Unfiltered, LLC founder and CEO, Kristen Kubik, against a purple wall staring into the camera with one hand brushing hair out of face

what’s included in the training….

✔️3 video workshops with easy to implement strategies to improve your messaging

✔️3 hours of training to learn about inclusive and accessible content

✔️Lifetime workshop access including future updates to stay current with marketing trends

✔️Guidance from an Inclusive Marketing Expert to show you what's needed

✔️Invites to new quarterly “content roasts” to boost your commitment and results

Join anytime for instant access

One time payment of $47

meet your host

Kristen Kubik

Rule breaker and inclusive marketing bad-ass

If you haven’t figured it out already, I’m not your typical stuffy, corporate marketing associate. I have vibrant hair, loads of tattoos and a rule breaker approach to brand building, messaging and marketing. 

There are very few people who talk about things the way I do. I also have the statistics and research to back it up in terms of buyer trends (so you can put your crystal ball away!). 

I teach human-first marketing in a no BS way and empower scaling business owners like you to build radical brand trust, bridge the gap between ethics and profit and make more sales in the process. 

That means that you can get the right buyers off their ass and into your business with messaging that attracts an audience that is ready to buy from you, without using manipulation or deception (that’s just plain “ick”). 

Here’s what a past student said…

“6-Figure Messaging changed me. I’ve already started to sell spots in my course, I’m seeing more engagement on my socials and I’m also learning to reframe my entire business, adding new opportunities for growth and adding sustainability.”

This Workshop Is For You If...

  • 🗹

    You’re ready to fuel your sales with a human, “I give a shit about you” approach

  • 🗹

    You know it’s time to prioritize inclusive and accessible content

  • 🗹

    You are ready to make more money through your content

  • 🗹

    You want to find your authentic brand voice and revamp your marketing messages

  • 🗹

    You feel like your audience is bored as shit of the content you’ve been throwing at them

  • 🗹

    You want to attract buyers by empowering them instead of accidentally using deceptive tactics

This Is Not For You If...

  • 🗷

    You're not ready to change the way you’ve been doing your marketing

  • 🗷

    You aren’t ready to open your mind to a human-first approach to messaging

  • 🗷

    You want to stick with your outdated bro-
    marketing tactics

  • 🗷

    You don’t want to make more money by attracting
    more buyers

  • 🗷

    You think that disempowering buyers and pain points are just part of the sales process - and there’s no other way

  • 🗷

    You can’t see anything wrong with using unethical marketing tactics if they work

Join anytime for instant access

One time payment of $47


Here’s how you’ll turn your content into sales ethically.

Let’s look inside 6-Figure Messaging©️. 

video 1

The Foundations to Build a Safe Environment for Your Audience

DID YOU KNOW: You don’t actually own any content you create using AI. Understanding the data and privacy laws for using AI can help your business avoid potential future fines and instead profit from using AI in the most effective, and ethical way for your business.

Nobody is talking about AI like this, and you are going to scream when you get all the deets. 

You can’t talk about privacy laws without touching on email marketing, and on day one you’re going to walk away with an easy strategy to make sure your email marketing strategy is legal and helps increase your profit. 

video 2

Making Your Content Accessible to Other Communities

Empower your audience with accessible content that sells faster. You will walk away from this training with the tools to reach a much greater audience, one that you could be unintentionally excluding right now. 

From how to design graphics with accessibility in mind, to the right way to use captions, you are going to pick up all the money you’ve been leaving on the table and infuse it into your sales with accessible, profitable content. 

Plus you’ll learn the real way to use alt text - spoiler alert many marketing gurus don’t actually understand how alt text works and are teaching you a way to implement it that turns away a big portion of your audience, and will get you in legal hot water. 

video 3

Inclusivity and Making Sales with Your Content

Learn how to create inclusive and accessible content that not only makes your audience, and buyers, feel like you give a shit about them, it also makes you money. 

Expand to all corners of your ideal buyer and allow your audience to make an informed and empowered decision to hand you their cash in a way that makes them feel really fucking good. 

Essentially, give a shit about your people and still make more profit in your business! (And yes, it’s possible!)

Here’s what clients say

Join anytime for instant access

One time payment of $47

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • You will get instant access to the training videos so you can binge watch them like Netflix or take your time. You’ll also have lifetime access so you can watch them as many times as you want.

  • This training is for both new and established business owners. Anyone with a business and social media presence will benefit greatly.

  • You will need to login to the training hub/portal to access the training videos. It is a quick and painless process, I promise!

  • An open mind, a notebook, and an internet connection is all you will need for this training.

  • Absolutely! I wouldn't be offering an inclusive service if there wasn’t. Subtitles should automatically pop up in the video; however, technology issues happen! If something isn’t working, let us know and the Team will get you a transcription ASAP.

  • If you haven’t downloaded or opened the course within 48 hours, you can request a refund by emailing (And I can see!) If you have opened it and still want a refund, email me your beef and let’s discuss any issues or concerns. However, you'll probably be too busy having your mind blown and implementing the money making tactics to even consider it.

  • I’d love to answer them so you feel fully supported in your purchase. Hit me up at or send me a DM @kristenunfiltered




Safe • Empowered • Informed •